1. Probability destribution

Discrete case:

\[p(⚀) + p(⚁) + p(⚂) + p(⚃) + p(⚄) + p(⚅) = \sum_{i = 0}^{n} p(x_i) = 1\]

Continuouse case:

\[ = \int p(x)dx = 1\]

2. Two-way destribution

Joint probability

\[p(A, B) = p(B, A)\]

Conditional probability

\[p(B|A) = p(A, B)/P(A)\]

Discrete case:

  • joint probability: probability of having blue eyesand blond hair: \[p(Hair = Blond, Eye = Blue) = p(Eye = Blue, Hair = Blond) = 0.16\]
  • conditional probability: probability of having blond hair, if eyes are blue: \[p(Hair = Blond|Eye = Blue) = \frac{p(Eye = Blue, Hair = Blond)}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} p(Eye = Blue, Hair = x_i)} = \frac{0.16}{0.36} \approx 0.45\]

Continuouse case:

  • joint probability: probability of having blue eyesand blond hair: \[p(sex = f, year = 1945) = p(year = 1945, sex = f)\]
  • conditional probability: probability of having blond hair, if eyes are blue: \[p(year = 1945|sex = f) = \frac{p(sex = f, year = 1945)}{\int p(sex = f, year = x)dx}\]

3. Bayes rule

\[p(A|B) = \frac{p(A, B)}{p(B)}\Rightarrow p(A|B) \times p(B) = p(A, B)\] \[p(B|A) = \frac{p(B, A)}{p(A)}\Rightarrow p(B|A) \times p(A) = p(B, A)\] \[p(A|B) \times p(B) = p(B|A) \times p(A)\] \[p(A|B) = \frac{p(B|A)p(A)}{p(B)}\]

Discrete case:

\[p(A|B) = \frac{p(B|A)p(A)}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} p(B, a_i) \times p(a_i)}\]

Continuouse case:

\[p(A|B) = \frac{p(B|A)p(A)}{\int p(B, a) \times p(a)da}\]

  • what is happening in numerator:

  • what is happening during the division:

\[\frac{w}{w+x+y+z}:\frac{w+x}{w+x+y+z} = \frac{w}{w+x}\]

4. Bayes inference

\[p(θ|Data) = \frac{p(Data|θ)\times p(θ)}{p(Data)}\]

Bayes’ rule gets us from a prior belief, p(θ), to a posterior belief, p(θ|D), when we take into account some data D. Now suppose we observe some more data, which we’ll denote D’. We can then update our beliefs again, from p(θ|D) to p(θ|D’, D). Does our final belief depend on whether we update with D first and D’ second, or update with D’ first and D second?

\[p(θ|Data, Data') = p(θ|Data', Data)\]

So for correct modeling we need to know destribution family and conjugate prior:

5. Binomial and Beta destributions

\[P(k | n, θ) = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} \times θ^k \times (1-θ)^{n-k} = {n \choose k} \times θ^k \times (1-θ)^{n-k}\] \[ 0 \leq θ \leq 1; n, k > 0\]

\[P(x; α, β) = \frac{x^{α-1}\times (1-x)^{β-1}}{B(α, β)}; 0 \leq x \leq 1; α, β > 0\] Beta function: \[Β(α, β) = \frac{Γ(α)\times Γ(β)}{Γ(α+β)} = \frac{(α-1)!(β-1)!}{(α+β-1)!} \]


6. Binomial example

In corpus based frequency dictionary noun не has frequency 0.05389. In some text (61981 words) this preposition appears 2540 times. How does it change our prior knoledge?

7. How stop be afraid of choosing a prior?

Empirical Bayes estimation

Then we could calculate proportion of “не” in each of them. After that it is possible to approximate a Beta destribution from the destribution of “не” proportions from different novels and use it as a prior. What we will get is a shrinked mean. The true outliers will be vissible then.

The easeast and the worst way to fit the Beta destribution. From this systme of equations:

\[\mu = \frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}\] \[\sigma = \frac{\alpha\times\beta}{(\alpha+\beta)^2\times(\alpha+\beta+1)}\]

…we can get \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\):

\[\alpha = \left(\frac{1-\mu}{\sigma^2} - \frac{1}{\mu}\right)\times \mu^2\] \[\beta = \alpha\times\left(\frac{1}{\mu} - 1\right)\]

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