R, RStudio, RStudio online ——- Connecting RStudio and GitHub, R-bloggers
Course description – about Final exam projects – Students & grades
(18.01.2018) Lab 1: Basic R objects. Dataframes. Manipulation with data. Simple functions. Base R functions code. User’s functions. User’s functions. Loops. Functions in functions. Default arguments. Optional arguments.
HW-1. Self-paced online course. Section 1-5. Please upload the screenshot of your Course Progess (Quizes 1-11, Labs 1-11) in the folder OnlineCourse in your github repository. Your student name and email are to be seen on the screenshot. Due: next class.
Textbook: Levshina Ch.3-4
HW-2. Self-paced online course. Section 6-7, Final Exam. Please upload the screenshot of your Course Progess in the folder OnlineCourse in your github repository. Your student name and email are to be seen on the screenshot. Due: next class.
Textbook: Levshina Ch.5
Final Exam Projects: Research topic and hypothesis. Please fill in the form, sheet Projects. Due: 15.02.2018.
(26.04.2018) Lab 9: Assignment, Code
HW-2. Html-version Due: 17.05.2018
(10.05.2018) Lab 10: Assignment Code
Final Exam Projects: Data. Data annotation. Please put a link here, sheet Projects Due: 20.05.2018
(17.2018) Lab 11 (CART), Assignment Code
HW-2. Html-version Due: 4.06.2018
see also our Course Program