Final Mark =0.6 \(\times\) (HW) + 0.4 \(\times\) (Exam)
(27.01.2021) Lab 1: Praat. Symbols for consonats, vowels and diacritics
HW 1 (due to 10.02.2021):
file to the course assistant Nastya Safonova with the topic Instrumental Phonetics: HW 1
(03.02.2021) Lab
(10.02.2021) Lab4
(17.02.2021) Lab5
(24.02.2021) Lec6 on prosody (video)
(24.02.2021) Lec6 on reading spectrograms
(10.03.2021) Lec7 on methods of phonetic research (video)
(10.03.2021) Lec7 on perception (video)
(17.03.2021) Lec8 (video)
(25.03.2021) Lec9 video
(14.04.2021) Lec10 (video)
HW 2 (due to 28.04.2021):
and Praat
for merging and preannotation soundsphonfieldwork
and obtained plot to the course assistant Nastya Safonova with the topic Instrumental Phonetics: HW 2