R and RStudio installation

R, RStudio, RStudio online, Connecting RStudio и GitHub, R-bloggers

1. Introduction to R. Types of data. Dataframe. User’s functions

2. Visualization.

3. 4. Descriptive statistics A. Confidence intervals. T-tests. P-values. Normality tests

5. More about t-test: one-tailed, paired, test power, Coehn’s d. Mann–Whitney U-test.

6. χ². Exact Fisher test. Correlations

7. Linear regressions

8. ANOVA, dummy variables, Multiple linear regression

9. Binary logistic regressions

10. Linear Mixed-effects models

11. Decision trees. Decision forests

12. Clusterization

13. PCA, MCA

14. Empirical Bayes

15. Statistics for Hackers

Project presentation schedule


see also our Course Program

R Markdown